Cinema 4D & The Octane Render

Gia Almuaili
2 min readFeb 3, 2020


Two Designers to Inspire Your Next Project

Cinema 4D Art by Josh Pierce

Formed in 1986 by current CEOs Harald Egel, Harald Schneider and Uwe Baertels, Cinema 4D is a 3D software suite developed by MAXON Computer GmbH in Germany. MAXON operates subsidiaries in the U.S. and U.K., and competence centers in Japan, France and Singapore

This software is your gate way to another world and dimension. It is a reliable tool and software if you’re looking to bring your creativity to ‘life’. With Cinema 4D you can create cutting-edge 3D motion graphics, architectural and product visualizations, video game graphics, illustrations, and much more.

In this post, I will be addressing how these two designers whose work I have fallen in love with utilize 3D softwares.All their designs were made on Cinema 4D with Octane render.

Octane Render is an unbiased rendering application with real-time capability In other words, it is a GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) (Like CPU but stronger) render engine that uses a way of calculating final rendered images that aims to be photo-realistic.

Joseph Bsharah:



Originally from Saudi Arabia but is now residing in the UK, Joseph is a designer and a full time CG wielder with a strong focus on telling stories through his conceptual work, by designing and building realistic CG environments using several 3D programs and real time tools such as Cinema 4D, Moi3d, 3D Coat, Substance Designer & Painter, and Photoshop.

Xiaolin Zeng



Xiaolin Zeng (also known as Zaoeyo) is a visual designer born in Xiangtan, China, Zeng dropped out of an economics-focused school to audit at the Communication University of China. It was there that he developed interest in 3D visuals, motion graphics, and title design. After graduating in 2014, he started his career as a motion designer and visual designer in China. Working primarily in Cinema 4D and After Effects, Zeng created the spec title sequence organic machines which led to his work on the opening titles for the Pause 2017 festival in Australia.

