My Web Development Journey

Gia Almuaili
4 min readSep 22, 2019

I Happy Cried.

The Web Inspection

First of all, I have to admit that I told my family and friends to try going to google chrome, left-clicking on the screen, inspect the page and BOOM! their jaws dropped. I heard numerous “Wows!” “What is this!?” “Are you a hacker now, did you just hack this website?”
Although no — I am no a hacker, I really enjoyed watching peoples reactions, when they saw the HTML, CSS codes of their favorite websites on their screens.
I chose to inspect Anthropologie’s website, and here’s a visual presentation of what I learned:

The Terminal Horror.

Everything was going fine until I had to npm install -g live-server…First, errors seemed to always show up, and I couldn’t figure out how to download it until “I tried” to do it manually as suggested by The Github Website . Unfortunately, that’s when the horror began, and I found out that I accidentally downloaded 6,095 unknown files off of the Internet. At that point, I was so numb but had to react quickly; thus, I deleted all those files as quick as I possible. I also started to watch numerous youtube videos to aid in my learning, but still no luck. >__<.

The numbness started here, when I realized the damage I have done… o_o”
I had to delete them ASAP! >_<”

The SUDO Solution

After hours of figuring out how to work with Terminal, I finally stumbled upon “sudo npm install npm -g” on I decided to give it a shot and ran it, I constantly hoped that my files/data would not get lost, I walked around my apartment trying to do HeartMath (a breathing exercise), then went back to check on my laptop wishing that it didn’t fail me (or I didn’t fail it).

Then BAM! It worked, and NPM live-server was up and running!

*I’d like to note that I cried right after because I was immensely happy that it finally worked! Also, I was called a Web Wiz that day! ^_^

<am-i-doing-this-right<?><!><?> cd help
I’m proud of myself :’) (but now what?)

Time Capsule of my Journey

I used the “Visual Studio Code” program. I tried to use ATOM (mainly because of the adorable animation) but then ended up switching back to Visual Studio Code. I found V.S.Code to be straight forward and much easier to use.


My Final Thoughts

An accurate representation of me after learning web development

This three-day journey has been a roller coaster of emotions, confusions, hopes, determination, dedication, and lots of trial and error.
However, all in all, I want to say that I genuinely enjoyed it no matter how many times I overwhelmingly failed, and had to repeat myself — I can now say it with integrity that I learned, and failing was part of the learning process.
My family and friends have started calling me the “Web Wiz” :) and I couldn’t be happier! I’m looking forward to expanding my skills in web development as it has been an astounding journey. I want to play around, transform and enhance my “Ode To Marilyn Monroe” and experiment with more websites that I’d like to build. I also want to dabble around Xcode and see how I can develop apps, now that I have an understanding of Coding, HTML language, and such.



Gia Almuaili

Strategic Communication | Designer | Design Thinker | Researcher |