The Inspirational Story of Frida Kahlo

Gia Almuaili
Jun 16, 2021

The Creative Monologue

They thought I was a Surrealist, but I wasn’t. I never painted dreams. I painted my own reality. — Frida Kahlo

The way Frida Kahlo interpreted her body, ethnicity, disability and relationships made her a national hero in Mexico and a true feminist icon all over the world. Through her paintings she has brought forward a raw and authentic depiction of what it is to be a woman.

Frida is renowned for her self-portraits in vibrant colors, using them as a way to depict great pain and love. Here’s what Frida’s Story can teach us about determination and being creative.

The Creative Monologue is an odyssey guided by Gia Almuaili to ignite your creative spark.

The Allegory of Frida Kahlo by The Creative Monologue

Listen to The Creative Monologue here :






Gia Almuaili

Strategic Communication | Designer | Design Thinker | Researcher |